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Articles | Volume 42, issue 3
10 Oct 1999
 | 10 Oct 1999

Auswirkungen restriktiver Ernährung auf die Wachstumsleistung von Ziegenlämmern

Y. Toukourou and K.-J. Peters

Abstract. Title of the paper: Impaet of feed restriction on the growth performance of goat kids
The influence of differential feeding levels on growth performance in 72 goat kids "Bunte Deutsche Edelziege" during the pre-weaning period was examined. The 72 animals were assigned to a control group and two experimental groups that received respectively 20% and 40% less milk/less concentrate compared to the control (fed at 2.4 times energy demand for maintenance). The experimental gained animals significantly less relative to the control group. However, during the subsequent realimentation period when all animals were fed at a energy level of 2.4 times maintenance same treatment, the daily weight gain among the kids was in inverse proportion to the level ofmilk deprivation in the pre-weaning phase. The rapid growth among the experimental animals was such that the initial differences in body weight between the experimental and control groups were fully compensated. Growth performance of kids with respect to different levels of concentrated feed was less clear cut and d.ffered significantly only behveen the group that received the lowest feed level relative to all the other groups.
