Articles | Volume 42, issue 2
10 Oct 1999
 | 10 Oct 1999

Verlauf von biochemischen Kennwerten im Blut von Schweinen mit unterschiedlicher Fettansatzleistung

H. Falkenberg, G. Kuhn, M. Hartung, M. Langhammer, and C. Wolf

Abstract. Title of the paper: Level of the metabolic substances in blood in relation to the development of pigs with different capacity for lipid deposition
28 German Saddle Back pigs (DS) and 30 German Landrace pigs (DL) were used to determine the concentrations of 16 Substrates and enzymes in the blood plasma during the growing-finishing period. Blood samples were taken from veno cava cranialis all two weeks 24 hours after Myostress injection. For the characterization of breed differences the results were represented as means in relation to the whole trial period and to live weight classes of the pigs. The concentrations of protein, urea, Creatinine, LDL + VLDL cholesterol, GGTP and AP were significantly different between DS and DL both for whole trial period and for most of live weight classes. For urea acid, lactate, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, ALAT and LDH breed differences were mainly small. The breed differences for the concentrations of glucose, total cholesterol, ASAT and CK were statistically significant in some live weight classes, only.
